Call for Jury – closed
25 APRIL 2022 – Closed
corrigendum updated below – only the timetable was changed
1. Introduction
This is a call for jury under the MusicAIRE 1 (An Innovative Recovery for Europe) project, co-funded by the European Union under the 2020 Annual work programme for the implementation of the “Preparatory Action – Music Moves Europe: Boosting European music diversity and talent” 2 and will be managed by the consortium to which the grant was attributed, composed of INOVA+ and the European Music Council (EMC).
MusicAIRE launchs a call for jury for the evaluation of proposals in response to the first call for proposals. The consortium is seeking to select a balanced and diverse group of experts.
2. Background
Music Moves Europe (MME)
Music Moves Europe (MME) is the European Commission’s overall framework for projects and actions in support of the European music sector. This includes a Preparatory action (2018-2020) to test and prepare EU support under the Creative Europe programme (2021-2027) 3 for “sectorial support on music” in addition to existing funding opportunities (e.g.: cooperation projects, networks, platforms).
Music ecosystem recovery
The music sector is one of the sectors hit the hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis and will probably be one of the last sectors to come out of it. The crisis has highlighted and accelerated the many challenges which the sector had already been facing. At the same time, the crisis has also highlighted the importance of music for individuals and society as a whole, it has demonstrated its power to unite and to connect people through music.
There is a need to pool resources and support projects that encourage the resilience and recovery of music operators, artists, and music professionals who have been harmed by restrictions.
The projects to be funded under MusicAIRE will also contribute to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and honour the Five Music Rights as defined by the International Music Council (IMC):
The right for all children and adults
- to express themselves musically in all freedom
- to learn musical languages and skills
- to have access to musical involvement through participation, listening, creation, and information
The right for musical artists
- to develop their artistry and communicate through all media, with proper facilities
- to obtain just recognition and fair remuneration for their work.
MusicAIRE aims to assist the recovery of the music sector by designing and testing a support scheme that can meet the challenges posed by the pandemic while fostering the sustainability of the ecosystem. The action intends to develop further the Music Moves Europe initiative and contributes to green, digital, and just and resilient recovery.
The three key and strategic objectives of MusicAIRE are:
- Test and prepare future EU support under the new Creative Europe Programme (2021-2027);
- Boost the music sector’s recovery post-crisis;
- Support sustainability actions that contribute to a green, digital and just and resilient recovery of the European music ecosystem.
3. Musicaire Call for proposal reference
The MusicAIRE call for proposals was published on 14 February 2022. It offers small grants of 15.000 EUR (micro strand), 30.000 EUR (small strand) and 55.000 EUR (medium strand) for music organisations focusing on green, digital, and just and resilient recovery.
4. Requirements and Assignment
To be part of the evaluators’ pool, candidates must have, cumulatively:
- A solid knowledge of one or more fields of the music ecosystem;
- High level of expertise in one or more of the thematic areas of the call – green, digital and just and resilient recovery (at least 4 years of experience in the domain(s) of expertise covered by the specific assignment);
- Good level of English (minimum B2 level);
- Ability to use IT tools required for the evaluation procedure;
- Availability on the expected timeframe for short-term assignments.
Prior experience in the evaluation of funded projects, at national or European level and previous experience in Project Management and/or Implementation will be considered an asset.
These tasks include, among others, the individual assessment of each application, through the attribution of quotations and respective reasoning, and evaluation consolidation operations when necessary. A framework for assessment will be provided based on the award criteria of the MusicAIRE call for proposals (relevance; quality; impact and sustainability).
The evaluation process involves holding a joint initial online meeting between the selected evaluators and a final online consolidation and ranking meeting.
Compliance with established deadlines is essential.
Upon completion of the assigned task, the evaluators will be remunerated in accordance with the contractual conditions. The fee for each evaluator is 500 Euros.
Confidentiality and conflict of interest
Any related conflict of interest to the tasks entrusted determines the exclusion of the evaluator. A conflict of interest is considered to exist whenever the exercise of functions impartially and objectively may be compromised for reasons related to personal and family life, political or national affinity, economic interest or any other interests[1]. Evaluators involved in any of the applications submitted in a given selection round are considered to have a conflict of interest in relation to the entire round, so they will not be able to evaluate these applications[2].
The evaluators must sign a declaration that there is no conflict of interest and a commitment to confidentiality.
[1] Article 61 (3) of EU Financial Regulation: “… a conflict of interests exists where the impartial and objective exercise of the functions of a financial actor or other person, …, is compromised for reasons involving family, emotional life, political or national affinity, economic interest or any other direct or indirect personal interest”.
[2] “Persons involved in an application in the selection round for the action under assessment are considered as having a conflict of interest for that selection round and will not be appointed experts”
5. Timetable
The indicative schedule for the different stages of the selection procedure is as follows:
Call opening | 18 March 2022 |
Deadline for submission | 25 April 2022 – 13:00 (CET) – Brussels time |
Information on the selected jury members | 29 April 2022 |
Evaluation | 2 May – 20 May 2022 |
6. how to submit an application
Project proposals must be submitted by 25 April 2022 at 13:00 (CET) by completing the application online, here:
All sections of the online application form must be completed.
Applicants should submit one Application Form per project proposal. Multiple proposals are allowed but only one project can be awarded per organisation.
Once the application is submitted, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. If you do not receive this confirmation e-mail, it means your proposal has NOT been submitted. If you believe this is due to a fault in the submission system, you should immediately file a complaint via [email protected], explaining the circumstances and attaching a copy of the proposal (and, if possible, screenshots to show what happened).
All applicants will be informed of the results of the evaluation process by email by 29 April 2022 (indicative date).
Personal data collected in the context of this call will be processed in accordance with MusicAIRE Privacy Policy.
Your name may be published in MusicAIRE website if selected as jury, but only after the two calls for proposals are closed.
You will be required to confirm that there is no conflict of interest for the assignment if selected as jury.
[1] Grant agreement nº EAC-2021-0090, co-funded by the Music Moves Europe Preparatory Action of the European Union.
[2] As foreseen by Commission Decision C(2020)1194 which was amended by Commission decision C(2020)3738, on the adoption of the Work Programme for the year 2020 for the implementation of pilot projects and preparatory actions in the area of education, youth, sport, and culture.
[3] Creative Europe brings together actions supporting the European cultural and creative sectors. The programme’s overall goals (Regulation (EU) 2021/818 of the European Parliament and of the Council) are to protect, develop, and promote European cultural and linguistic variety and legacy, as well as to boost the competitiveness and economic potential of the cultural and creative industries.